People, friends, volunteers

Mary Weaver


The more we get together

Together, together

The more we get together

The happier we’ll be

‘Cause your friends are my friends

And my friends are your friends

The more we get together

The happier we’ll be




People who need people

Are the luckiest people in the world

We’re children, needing other children

And yet letting a grown-up pride

Hide all the need inside

Acting more like children than children


Do you ever have songs get in your head, and they just will not stop? May was a busier month than usual for our family, but I was struck in several incidences of why Iowa is just such a wonderful place to live. In the sanctuary of family and friends in this war-torn international world, and politically polarized Nation and State I resurrected  a fond memory in “The more we get together” lyrics.

We attended our Grandson’s graduation reception. I went  fulling intending to be backstage kitchen helper in keeping the cookie and sandwich plates replenished. Shari, my daughter’s pickleball partner and good friend was present and took care of all those responsibilities.

The following week I spent two days in Shannon City with a longtime friend who was recovering from a knee replacement. Her children both live a far distance, and she is widowed. We came home from the hospital under the tornado watch that devasted Greenfield. She was using a walker and moving slowly. Her neighbor, Mike, saw us arrive and came hurrying over to help us get to the house and basement. We were fortunate no inclement damaging weather occurred at her small town.

The third incident was the volunteering that took place around the Rippey Memorial Day recognition. All volunteers in the Martin-Kinkead Legion, those who participated in the ceremony, bringing the public address system, playing TAPS, singing, reading the epic poem In Flander’s Field, the message from the pastor, and the lunch prepared by the Methodist Church people.

You may have read or heard that baseball is being played at the Walt Anderson field in Rippey. My husband and I worked at the concession stand on  Friday evening. What a slice of Iowa event! Williamsburg, and Creston high school baseball teams came to Rippey for a Junior Varsity and Varsity ball game. The Rippey Baseball Commission is a very active group, encompassing volunteers to attend the gate, lime the baseline, water the pitching mound, drag the field, etc. Chuck Offenburger authored a wonderful article about Rippey baseball that may be seen on the Rippey News website. The fans drove 2-3 hours to attend, and it was truly  a patriotic moment to observe both teams lined up between home place to first and third base during the playing of our National Anthem.

A wonderful example of VOLUNTEERING was given by my banker. We were having a social conversation when I asked about his coaching duties. Shortened story, his daughter could no longer play softball, as she fell off the balance beam and broke her wrist, but he was continuing serving as the volunteer team coach because he told them he would. 

“ People who need people,” resonated when PRO Iowa 24, (Progressive Rural Optimists) gathered from 5 counties, Story, Boone, Greene, Guthrie, and Dallas, to hear educational activist Bruce Lear speak about the future of our schools and Democracy in Iowa. For the most part they were strangers to each other. We met and talked and found similar values. Sometimes we even learn that we share distant relatives.

Iowa does not have ocean beaches, or mountains, but we have PEOPLE, and FRIENDS and we VOLUNTEER. Carve out time for meaningful conversations today. Let those songs be in your head! Go out your door and smile and greet other Iowans.

VIEW FROM MY WINDOW, is written by Mary Weaver from her home in rural Rippey.

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